How do I remove the "iframe buster" header in Openfire Admin login page?


Is there a way to remove the iframe buster code without rebuilding for source? Referring to this code, which makes it impossible to wrap this login page inside a company intranet portal.

> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
>           <!--
>           // break out of frames
>           if (self.parent.frames.length != 0) {
>                self.parent.location=document.location;
>           }
>         function updateFields(el) {
>             if (el.checked) {
>                 document.loginForm.username.disabled = true;
>                 document.loginForm.password.disabled = true;
>             }
>             else {
>                 document.loginForm.username.disabled = false;
>                 document.loginForm.password.disabled = false;
>                 document.loginForm.username.focus();
>             }
>         }
>           //-->
>      </script>


it should be possible to copy the login form to a page in your intranet portal (simply adjust the form action url).


Thanks- that worked perfectly. Logout button still breaks out, but no one ever logs out anyway