100%cpu for http-bind with Connection Manager

Previously we encounter this issue in our product which using openfire with multiple connection manager, it appear to take all cpu after the connection manager startup a moment(while there are any http-bind connecting).

This is a bug from Jetty: SelectChannelConnector 100% CPU usage on Linux, refer to: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTY-937, and the root cause is the JVM bug, see the bug:



The bug would not be fixed until JDK1.7. The bad thing is: the related feature: continuations is using in connection manager, so I need a little code change to make the workaround.

Attached the code change for Connection Manager 3.6.3 with the patch jar file(You need to remove the related class from cmanager.jar if you directly use the patch jar). It would help you if anyone using the http-bind feature.

This is a workaround only, please waiting for JDK1.7 for final fix if there is no other better solution =.=