Pubsub service settings

How does one control access to the pubsub service?

E.g., only allow connected components to publish?

Hey Clive,

Set the xmpp.pubsub.create.anyone[/b] system property to false to restrict users that can create nodes. Then set the system properties xmpp.pubsub.sysadmin.jid[/b] with the system administratior of the pubsub service or xmpp.pubsub.create.jid[/b] with the JID of regular users allowed to create nodes.


– Gato


i’'m new here, can you tell me where can we find/set those properties.


kiriel wrote:


i’'m new here, can you tell me where can we find/set those properties.


In Admin Console, Server tab, Server Manager > System Properties or the url http://servername:9090/server-properties.jsp (funny, but url says server-properties)

You will have to add these new properties.