Ignite Process for Community Bug Reporting & Patches

Filing Bugs

Process for Community Members

Check to see if the bug has already been filed in JIRA

If not, post a discussion with the tag “bug_report” in Openfire Support, Spark Support, Kraken - IM Gateway, Smack Dev, XIFF or Asterisk-IM. Reports in other forums will not be reviewed by Jivesoftware.

Bug Report should contain the following

(include as many of these as possible, but use your best judgment in cases where some of these might not be needed):

  • a test case (or clarify why this is not possible) including instructions on how to reproduce the error

  • Information about your environment

  • application version

  • operating system

  • LDAP

  • database

  • any other relevant environmental data

  • Relevant logs for Spark and/or Openfire

  • a screen shot


Dawn to maintain JIRA access rights

Project Responsibilities: The people below should monitor their communities for items tagged with “bug_report” and respond to each thread with either the number of an issue in Jira or an explanation of why it is not a bug.

  • Openfire: Gato

  • Spark: Derek

  • IM Gateway: Jadestorm

  • Smack: Gato

  • XIFF: Derek

  • Asterix IM: srt

Trusted community members: We are all busy, and it would be really cool if a few trusted community members (you know who you are) would step up when you get a few spare minutes to validate / invalidate a few bug reports and comment with additional information to help reduce the load on the list of very busy people above.


If you do not see a response to your thread with either the number of an issue in Jira or an explanation of why it is not a bug within 7 days, send a private message to Dawn with a link to your original discussion thread. Dawn will harass the owner above to respond.

Submitting Patches


Community member: Sign the contributor agreement found at http://www.igniterealtime.org/ignite_contributor_agreement.pdf (for contributions by an individual) or http://www.igniterealtime.org/ignite_contributor_agreement_org.pdf (for contributions on behalf of an organization). Submit a discussion thread with a link to your patch and the tag “patch”.

If accepted, owner (responsibilities below) will put it in Jira and then it will go into an appropriate release of the code.

If not accepted, owner will respond to the thread with an explanation.


The people below should monitor their communities for items tagged with “patch” and respond to each thread with either the number of an issue in Jira containing the patch or an explanation of why it was not accepted.

  • Openfire: Gato

  • Spark: Derek

  • IM Gateway: Jadestorm

  • Smack: Gato

  • XIFF: Derek

  • Asterix IM: srt


If you do not see a response to your thread with either the number of an issue in Jira containing the patch or an explanation of why it was not accepted within 7 days, send a private message to Dawn with a link to your original discussion thread. Dawn will harass the owner above to respond.

So when will developers actually start FIXING the bugs?! Now they just create new ones. Irritating and unmotivating to report anything… (i mean Spark)

Is it really necessary to print/sign the Contributer agreement? Can this be transmuted into an online experience? I completely agree from a legal perspective that you want to be covered but is there a faster/easier/online method of doing this that maintains your legal safety barrier?


what about feature requests? maybe http://www.igniterealtime.org/community/tags/request?communityID=2010 should be read by developers too?