1.1 release?

Hello, I am running a beta 1.0 version of messenger and would like to upgrade to 1.1, but don’‘t see where I can download that release? I can’‘t use the 2.x series because I’'m stuck with a 1.4 JVM for my deployment.

Thanks for any help…

i actually asked for this in another thread, and matt mentioned that they would repost the 1.1 binaries soon.

Yes, I noticed that discussion, but wanted to follow up and see if there was any news and make sure it was not forgotten

I also want to get the source of 1.1 or 1.o version, because I want to customize my own app. but unfortunately the source for version 1.1 or before is not available.


Jive Messenger was not Open Source until 2.0, so no source code is available for 1.x. Honestly, you’‘re probably better off using another server if you can’'t use Java 5 and Messenger 2.x. The old version had many bugs.

