1 oddity, 1 question


I constantly see this in my OpenFire DB

Copying to tmp table

FROM ofMessageArchive
WHERE sentDate >1232465246914

The date is always the same (1232465246914 aka Tue, 20 Jan 2009 15:27:26 GMT)

Is this supposed to be that or does this point to something wrong.

Question 1

What is the best way to purge old archives. Is it to just delete conversation ID’s before a certain date from:

  • ofconparticipant
  • ofconversation
  • ofmessagearchive
  • ofmucconversationlog

Did I miss anything? Is this the best way?

Anyone have any ideas on one or both of these items.?

Regarding the oddity I have found the query is running every 15 minutes and gives me a warning

2009.06.26 09:59:38 #1991 was active for 324813 milliseconds and has been removed automaticaly. The Thread responsible was named ‘pool-monitoring5620’, but the last SQL it performed is unknown because the trace property is not enabled.
2009.06.26 10:14:18 #1986 was active for 304828 milliseconds and has been removed automaticaly. The Thread responsible was named ‘pool-monitoring5622’, but the last SQL it performed is unknown because the trace property is not enabled.
2009.06.26 10:29:38 #1989 was active for 324844 milliseconds and has been removed automaticaly. The Thread responsible was named ‘pool-monitoring5622’, but the last SQL it performed is unknown because the trace property is not enabled.
2009.06.26 10:44:39 #1994 was active for 324969 milliseconds and has been removed automaticaly. The Thread responsible was named ‘pool-monitoring5630’, but the last SQL it performed is unknown because the trace property is not enabled.