A couple of bugs

Hi All,

I am currently evaluating jive messenger with the asterisk plugin, but I noticed a couple of issues.

When someone picks up the phone, his status is set to ‘‘away’’, that works perfect. But when that person transfers the call to another collegue his status remains ‘‘away’’ untill the user logs out of his jabber account. This happens however only to Zap channels, SIP phones work perfectly.

Also when somebody is on the phone, logs out his jabber client and logs back in his status is availlable. However, he is still on the phone.

These two problems prevent the plugin from being usefull to us. We are very interested to integrate jabber in our asterisk based PBX.

Problem number one happens to SIP phones too, it depends on the way you transfer the call.

When you transfer directly without talking to the person you are transferring to it works ok.

But when you put the conversation on hold, call the person you want to transfer to and ask if he wants the phonecall and then transfer it will fail. It looks like the plugin does not read the asterisk manager interface correctly and just doesn’'t notice what is happening.

Thanks for your detailed bug reports. We’'ll look into the issues and schedule fixes for an upcoming release.

Best Regards,


When someone picks up the phone, his status is set to

‘‘away’’, that works perfect. But when that person

transfers the call to another collegue his status

remains ‘‘away’’ untill the user logs out of his jabber

account. This happens however only to Zap channels,

SIP phones work perfectly.

I have created an issue PHONE-23 to address this problem.

Also when somebody is on the phone, logs out his

jabber client and logs back in his status is

availlable. However, he is still on the phone.

This is a known problem, you can view the details at:


Ok, thanks for adding the issue, and sorry for the duplicate report.

I see the only information in issue PHONE-23 is about ZAP channels, while I added a second post about problems with SIP channels too. Will that be corrected too?

Yes it will. They are probably caused by the same root comment. Also, if you would like to add comments to this issue you can sign up for a jira account and post comments too.