A new Jingle voice chat plugin for Spark

Hi Dele

I mention that I have been testing the plugin on computers with windows 7 and xp. From xp to xp works perfect, but when I test xp to win7 or win7 to win7 not work.I saw you mention that you have to modify a data in a file (Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack = true), but can not find, can you tell me where it is located for testing.

so I forced iPV4 by adding this to my** Spark.vmoptions** file

*.vmoptions files

A common requirement is to adjust the VM parameters of your application launchers depending on the runtime environment like the target platform or some user selection in the installer.

In addition to the fixed VM parameters, a parameter file in the same directory as the executable is read and its contents are added to the existing VM parameters. The name of this parameter file is the same as the executable file with the extension .vmoptions. For example, if your executable is named hello.exe, the name of the VM parameter file is hello.vmoptions. In this file, each line is interpreted as a single VM parameter. The last line must be followed by a line feed. install4j adapts your .vmoptions files during the compilation phase so that the line endings are suitable for all platforms. For example, the contents of the VM parameter file could be:

-Xmx128m -Xms32m

The .vmoptions files allow the installer as well as expert users to modify the VM parameters for your application launchers.

It is possible to include other .vmoptions files from a .vmoptions file with the syntax

-include-options [path to other .vmoptions file]

For maximum cross-platform capability use just one include per .vmoptions file. Recursive includes are supported. You can also add this option to the fixed VM parameters of a launcher. In that way, you do not have to create .vmoptions files for all your launchers, but you can have a single .vmoptions file for all of them.

This allows you to to centralize the user-editable VM options for multiple launchers and to have .vmoptions files in a location that can be edited by the user if the installation directory is not writable. You can use environment variables to find a suitable directory, for example

-include-options ${APPDATA}\My Application\my.vmoptions

on Windows and

-include-options ${HOME}/.myApp/my.vmoptions

on Unix. If you have to decide at runtime where the included .vmoptions file is located, use an installer variable:

-include-options ${installer:vmOptionsTargetDirectory}/my.vmoptions

and add a “Replace installer variables in a text file” action to replace it after you have set the the vmOptionsTargetDirectory installer variable to a suitable path with a “Set a variable” action.

In addition to the VM parameters you can also modify the classpath in the .vmoptions files with the following options:

  • -classpath [classpath]
    Replace the classpath of the generated launcher.
  • -classpath/a [classpath]
    Append to the classpath of the generated launcher.
  • -classpath/p [classpath]
    Prepend to the classpath of the generated launcher.

For GUI launchers on Mac OS X, the VM options are stored in a file called Info.plist inside the application bundle. The “Add VM options” action described below handles these platform-specific differences. .vmoptions files are not supported on Mac OS X.

check your spark log files. The answer is in there somewhere

Hello Dele,

I got a problem afeter having installed jitsi jingle plugin on spark 2.6.3.

I can receive signal call on my spark (2 PC with win7 64bits) I seee a blank window without any buttons on it so I can’t answer the call …

If you can help me, it would be very nice !

Thanks for all the work.

i am able to make a call the receiving end receives call alert too, but somehow we cannot listen to each other. I am using windows 7 x64 home edition. i deleted previous jar files from spark/program files x86 as well as from app data/user/roaming/spark. also deleted jingle folder from app data/user/roaming/spark. i added jitsi-jingle.jar fiile to spark/plugins folder and have performed mentioned steps to install candy on server as well. am i doing something wrong.

Have you got any solution of this blank window …

because i am face same problem