Ability to automate broadcast messages to a specific group


I am working on a project for a large organization that uses Spark. Their business need is to have a broadcast message that is sent specifically to certain groups.

I’ve found scripts for using the web admin tool for broadcasting to all users, but this will not work as a solution.

The broadcast messages need to be completely non-interactive.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thanks in advance,


you will probably need an XMPP Bot. There are many, so a google search should yield some options. You will connect your bot to openfire, and configure it to send messages to certain users and/or groups.

or, you could create a plugin that augments the Broadcast plugin for Openfire and make it behave like you desire.

What does ‘certain groups’ mean? Custom rosters or Openfire groups? For OF groups the broadcast plugin should work.


Within spark, the customer has set up rosters.

Unfortunately, I don’t know what Openfire groups are, but if this is an easy solution, would you be able to give some more details?

(Specifically, how can your perl script from other posts nominate an OF group and how is one setup?)


Do they use Openfire as their xmpp server?

Openfire has server side roster groups which may be managed by the admin. If this is the case the broadcast plugin should work.


I’m afraid that my ignorance is on display here.

I think that they may be using Openfire roster groups. I can view / edit them via


if this is what you are referring to, can you advise on how to incorporate a broadcast group into your perl script?



The perl script uses an Openfire admin function and not the broadcast plugin as far as I remember. To use the broadcast plugin you need an xmpp client like Spark (or Smack + 5 lines custom code) and send a message to groupname@broadcast.xmpp-domain.