About the broadcast Plugin

Hello,I want to develop a plugin like the broadcast ,but it is not to send the message to all the users.I want the plugin can atoumatic send the message to the exact user.In other words ,Is there any push mechanism in the openfire?

Maybe you can use the PubSub (publish and subscribe) mechanism. http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html

There was some discussion about Push mechanisms here: http://lists.jabber.ru/pipermail/ejabberd/2010-October/006404.html

Some simple examples to Pubsub can be found here: http://blog.kokanovic.org/playing-with-smacks-pubsub-extension/

Howto use XMPP for push user notifications on Android is described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2472617/using-xmpp-for-push-user-notification s-on-android-any-way-to-target-these-so-th

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