AD integration and grouping users

I setup AD integration (users only) in WildFire. I am using the latest Spark client. I need some assistance with grouping. We are using this as a internal IM solution. All employees should be able to see all employees and chat the same.

Until I become more proficient with AD and WildFire integration, I am just starting out wiht the basics. I would like to have all the AD users whom login to appear under a group called Everyone. I installed the registration plugin and setup the Default Group, but when users login, they dont get added to the Everyone Group.

Does anyone have alternatives?



Setup the group integration as described in the ldap guide. There is an everyone group by default in AD. Go to the users/groups page in the admin console, select group summary, then click on the everyone group. Select “enable sharing in rosters” and “show group in all users’’ rosters.”