AD users viewable / relocate OpenFire

I tried to self-help but am not finding the info I need, so here goes.

I inherited a working Openfire/Spark installation from a prior admin. Openfire was running on CentOS, not sure of either version. The installation was a pet project of his in furthering his interest in Linux, and is not formally incorportated in our policies for backup, etc. Oh, and I’m not a Linux guy. I can get around a prompt, know how to use man, etc., but don’t know a thing about repositories and installing software, nor configuring most of it.

We had an extended maintenance power outage. The OpenFire installation did not restart itself when the server came back up. New plan: install WinCentric OpenFire on a production server, and redirect clients to that.

Identified server, installed OpenFire 3.6.3. AD integration appeared to take with no problems. AD users and groups browseable during setup (though I can’t remember the specifics as I write this).

Visited Spark clients (v2.5.7). They connect to the OpenFire server fine. However, AD users and groups are not visible.

Not sure if these should just be “seen” or if some sort of import from AD is required; in other words, what is the next step? I saw a nice document here about AD binding, but not applicable to 2.6.x installations.

If there’s something already written I’m happy to read it. Thanks in advance.

This is how you autopopulate the rosters:

You can of course extend the shared groups to users no in the group as well. The groups must be precreated in AD first.

Just what I was looking for. All our AD groups were already in place in support of the prior server implementation; all I had to do was share them.

Much appreciated.