Administration interface not shown anymore

It’‘s a quite strange problem. I’‘ve installed the Wildfire successfully on a Red Hat server with PostgreSQL DB and it was working fine from last months. This week, when I tried to open the administration interface (in my favorite URL’'s: http:// but the URL was equally changed.

The system is running well but I cannot administrate it!

Hi Luiz,

OutOfMemory errors could cause such a problem. Did you try to restart Wifi, this may help as a quick solution.

Could you please check the log files for errors?

If you see OutOfMemory errors there then you may want to increase the max memory value, please read the Wifi Inst Guide[/url], section Custom Parameters, vmoptions.

The versions below 2.5.1 have some memory leaks, so if you are using a lower version you may want to plan an udpate to 2.5.1 or 2.6.1.



Thanks to your answer I looked the log file and found the error: the wildfire.xml file must be writable. I changed the group properties from r-- to rw- and after the setup sequence the Administrator screen was shown.

Now, some odd things are taking place, as the administrator named in the config file do not log in (only the original “admin” user), the user list from LDAP and the session list are not shown (but the users can be found on the search list).

Anyway, it’'s better than before.

Best regards,