Android asmack issue in configuring

When I configure the xmpp client via asmack, the connection is established successfully but after that I get the following error in log-cat. Therefore I am unable to send an iq via xmpp, as I don’t get any response in my handler neither I get any more details of errors or issues in logcat. What should I do?

`10-03 15:46:56.633: W/System.err(9782): KeyStore jks implementation not found

10-03 15:46:56.642: W/System.err(9782): at

10-03 15:46:56.653: W/System.err(9782): at

10-03 15:46:56.673: W/System.err(9782): at org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketReader.parsePackets(

10-03 15:46:56.683: W/System.err(9782): at org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketReader.access$000(

10-03 15:46:56.703: W/System.err(9782): at org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketReader$`