Anonymous chat

Hello. I am developing a flash based live assistant. so far, so good. but i have encountered the following problem. I am using jive server and it works fine with logins, rosters, and chats. The thing is that if i use an account such as web01, when a second web01 user comes it kicks out the first one. I would like to use anonymous accounts. When using them, i can log in, but when i send a chat message to a user, the userID comes inclomplete, so the message arrives to the live assistant, but the live assistant cannot answer the guest. I copied the send and receive traces for both an autenticated session and an anonymous one. as you can see the id of the anonymous comes incomplete (just the domain/resource, intead of user@domain/resource). any ideas?

REGISTERED USER SESSION (this one will kick a online guest when a new one comes in)

Jabber SENT:

Hola Alejandro,

If you are using registered users then make sure that for each connection you are using a different resource. Otherwise, you will have a resource conflict and by default the server will kick out the old connection.

The packets of the anonymous approach look fine. The last message should have been routed to as long as is connected to the server. Do you see anything in the log files?


– Gato