Ant build script for XIFF not work on win32 couse by file separator

The ant build script not work properly on win32, becouse on win32 the file separator is \, not /.

Please to help write a platform independent script.

xiff/build/build.xml line 30:

<!-- <propertyregex property="classpath" override="true" input="@{file}" regexp=".*(org/igniterealtime[^\.]*).as" replace="\1" casesensitive="false" /> -->
       <!-- <propertyregex property="class" override="true" input="${classpath}" regexp="/" replace="." global="true" /> -->
       <propertyregex property="classpath" override="true" input="@{file}" regexp=".*(org\\igniterealtime[^\.]*).as" replace="\1" casesensitive="false" />
       <propertyregex property="class" override="true" input="${classpath}" regexp="\\" replace="." global="true" />

the correct way my be as below:

<propertyregex property="classpath" override="true" input="@{file}" regexp=".*(org\${file.separator}igniterealtime[^\.]*).as" replace="\1" casesensitive="false" /> <propertyregex property="class" override="true" input="${classpath}" regexp="\${file.separator}" replace="." global="true" />

it tested under windows 2000.

Fixed. Thanks for testing!

I don’t have a windows machine and your tweak still works on osx.