Asmack - How to build?

Hello everyone. Is it possible to change asmack source code and build it by yourself now. Because this link doesn’t contain any information today .I just want to add new Message.Type enums but I don’t know how I can rebuild src.

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I just want to add new Message.Type enums but I don’t know how I can rebuild src.
Never ever extend XMPP in this way! If you want to add custom metadata to a stanza then use a PacketExtension!

Ok. I understand it. And another question is - how I can build asmack ???

I figured out how to build asmack

  1. Use this tutorial
  2. After 15th steps do: /android-sdk-linux/tools/android update sdk -u

or limit to some particular platforms d-sdk-installation/4682241#4682241

  1. Need Java7 to be installed

  2. compiled jar will be located here /home/vagrant/asmack/releases

Original asmack repository has wrong configs, here is a repo with fixes

Original asmack repository has wrong configs,
I doubt that this is the case. I’ve use the build script to create the most recents 4.0.3 aSmack snapshots.

Note that if you think you need to build aSmack from source, then you are have most likely a flaw in your design. Smack (and this includes aSmack) is designed to be easily extensible in the place where it’s possible to be extended. If you need to extend it somewhere else, then you will likely produce non-standard confrom XMPP stanzas/elements.