Asterisk-IM plugins for Openfire 3.3.3

At one time (bout 2 years ago I think0 there was a repository for older plugins. I need to find the proper Asterisk-IM plugin for Openfire 3.3.3. The newest one is specific to 3.4.1, which I do not have installed. I get the standard error i the logs of ignoring plugin because it is for a newer version.

You can get the sources of old versions from subversion at but I don’t know if there is also an archive for the binaries.


Thanks for the reply, however as this is a production box, I do not have compilers, and cannot build from source. I appreciate the idea though.


without any warranty

Well, it installed, going into the logs now to ensure nothing broke. But I will call this one fixed. Thank you so much!
