Authentication against POP3


I’ve been trying to get openfire (3.6.2) to authenticate users via POP3 but so far no joy, in fact openfire never seems to open a connection to the POP3 server to request authentication.

Having read everything I can find I came to the conclusion I needed to add the following to the ofProperty table (I’m using MySQL for the database if that matters):

provider.user.className org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.POP3UserProvider
provider.auth.className org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.POP3AuthProvider

pop3.ssl false
pop3.authRequiresDomain false
pop3.port 9000

There’s some cache options but I’ve left them out for now as it appears the cache is off by default, so figured while getting it to work was the best option.

If I use the DefaultUserProvider and DefaultAuthProvider then I can login to both the admin and with a spark client, as soon as I swap to POP3 I’m unable to login to either.

The POP3 settings are correct as I can connect using those settings via telnet and manually auth with the POP3 server.

In the debug.log I have:

2008.12.29 11:55:48 POP3AuthProvider: Created new POP3AuthProvider instance, fie
2008.12.29 11:55:48 host:
2008.12.29 11:55:48 port: 9000
2008.12.29 11:55:48 domain:
2008.12.29 11:55:48 useSSL: false
2008.12.29 11:55:48 authRequiresDomain: false
2008.12.29 11:55:48 authCacheEnabled: false

There seems to be no other mention of POP3 in any other log.

I’m obviously missing something important and so would appreciate any help getting this to work.

