Authorization Pending


I have set up a Openfire 3.8.2 server on 32-bit CentOS 6.4.

When I scan the server with NMap the following TCP ports are open:

5222/tcp open xmpp-client

5269/tcp open xmpp-server

7777/tcp open cbt

9090/tcp open zeus-admin

I can connect Jitsi and Spark clients to the server. However, when I try to add contacts to the clients I get an authorization pending message that never goes away. I cannot get an authorisation prompt to appear on the target contacts Spark client. I continue to get the same error even if I turn off the firewalls on both client computers.

Can someone help me understand how I have to configure this set up to work?



So, you say that when you try to add a contact, the other party (the one you want to add) doesn’t get a subscription request dialog? Is the other party logged in at that time. How exactly are you trying to add a user (e.g. username@servername, or just nickname)? Any chance you have Subscription plugin installed on that server?

The other party is logged on but does not get a subscription request.

That plugin is not installed.



What is the Add Buddy process? What are the communications that occur?



I added the Subscription plugin but it did not resolve the issue.

