Auto populate user group in Spark/SparkWeb

So is there anything i can do for you to help me? Any screenshot maybe? i can prepare that for you.

My openfire settings screenshot or my AD tree screenshot?

Hi All.
I have seen this issue in a number of threads, but still haven’t found an actual solution for my particular situation. It might be there somewhere and I’ve just missed it, but…

I have Openfire configured to use LDAP (campus’ active directory).

The active directory is not ‘mine’. So, there can be no customization of anything at the domain admin level…only to my own OUs, etc (only saying that in case any potential solution requires that).

All ‘real’ user accounts (those which actually pertain to real human users on campus) are in the ‘People’ OU.

However, all of the groups for my department are within my department’s OU (i.e. not where the campus user accounts are stored).

With the help of another thread here in this forum, I was able to configure it to find the users in the correct place (the ‘People’ OU), and to look to my department’s OU for the group to restrict the which accounts can log into this Openfire service.

However, now that I’m on the task of trying to auto-populate the contacts in all of the connected Spark clients, I’m not sure where to turn.

When I go to the Users and Groups area in Openfire, there are no groups listed, and I can’t create any (for reasons already explained in previous posts - so, I get that).

Normally, the group in question would show up as a result of being in the same OU as the user accounts. Since that is not the case though, does anyone have a solution for me?

I’m thinking that I might have to edit the “ldap.groupSearchFilter” property, but I’ve tried, and it’s not helping at all. I suspect that either I need some help coming up with exactly what to put in that property, or maybe I need to look elsewhere.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your patience and kindness.

This works great for me but one part I am not sure how to do is populate rosters accross AD domains.

I have two AD domains, all of which use the domain root as the base serach for users. Although I can add users cross domain by adding their actual jabber ID, I am unable to auto populate rosters using groups.