Away when workstation locked - not working?


It seems the feature that sets my online status to “Away” when I lock my workstation is not working in Spark. I use Spark 2.5.1 and Windows XP with SP 2 (version 2002).

Over a year ago an issue about this, SPARK-228, was set as fixed, but there are some other threads about this and that it wasn’'t resolved completely:

Sorry for bringing up this really old issue but I think this is a great feature and would really like to see it working in Spark.

So, are there any plans to introduce/fix this feature?


As a matter of fact, a very kind 3rd party has been helping us out with this feature. I’'ve tentativley scheduled this for 2.5.4, but will need to be discussed a little bit more.



Thanks a lot for the quick answer. I hope it will work out ok!

I found that SPARK-228 had been reopened so I gave it a vote

Thanks again,
