Any way I can block users from sending “Braodcast Messages” and only allowing user who are within a group to only be able to talk to other users in that group only?
with “Broadcast Messages” you mean “Spark Menu: Actions, Broadcast”? You can’‘t disable it. If you want to delete the broadcast plugin or limit its usage you can do this, but this does not disables the client broadcast option. It sends a single message to every user in the roster so it’'s hard to block.
I assume that you are using Wifi as XMPP server, so you may want to write a plugin which tests if sender and receiver are in the same group.
How do I delet the broadcast plugin or limit its usage?
the plugin is described here:
You can configure it by adding system properties (/server-properties.jsp).
To delete it go to /plugin-admin.jsp and delete it.
We can happily use and restrict the broadcast plugin.
However, this feature of the Spark client causes us concern. We wish that it weren’'t there, or that at a global policy level we could disable it. Is that something that you could provide a facility to do?
I may quote ddman aka Derek: “I’'m just going to be moving Spark over to using the broadcast plugin only”.
I did look for a JM issue so one could track it but I did not find any.
It’'s true. I did say it. SPARK-282 is the issue and will be fixed.