Browse aim transport with spark?


I successfully installed pyaim-t with jive, and now i want to know how to register with the service thru spark. How do i browse/register with this service from my spark client ?



Great question? I assume Spark does not have a Jabber browser feature, and thus does not support registering with components/services? Is this functionality planned?


Hi Enaslund,

There is no plans at this time to add transport support to Spark. For the near future, the plans are to improved performance, minimize footprint and of course, always work on stability.



Stupid question time:

Is “transport support” the same as “Jabber Browser”. It would seem that there are other services that other jabber servers would offer that would be worth browsnig for other than transports.

I guess a better question would be, is “service registration” planned for spark?

Message was edited by: enaslund