Bug in OF installer?

On the screen in the Openfire installer, when you create the admin password it shows options for a greyed out “Skip” this step button and an orange button to continue through the wizard.

If you enter the admin password in both available boxes and then hit the enter key I assume the action taken is the greyed out skip button, even though it appears not to be the expected action, as I’m then unable to login as admin.



Quick glance at https://github.com/surevine/Openfire/blob/master/src/web/setup/setup-admin-setti ngs.jsp line 70 suggests if (doContinue) { might want to be if (!doSkip) {

I have tested and filed this issue as [OF-927] Pressing enter should trigger Continue button on admin password setup page - Jive Software Open Source

But your proposed fix doesn’t solve the issue (actually creates another, this page opens with a red error besides every field).