Bug in the install process?


I’ve just set up my openfire server via admin-console.

Then, I couldn’t connect to admin console with login “admin”.

I had to edit openfire.xml and add manually


Then I had been able to log in admin console as admin.

I’m running openfire 2.6.4 (deb pkg) on ubuntu 10.4 with a next next next next conf (HSQLDB)


I guess that you did miss this:

Announcement: Read this to be able to login to Admin Console after the installation

Openfire 3.6.4 has a bug, which prevents user to login to Admin Console on the last step of the setup. You have to restart Openfire after the installation (stop and then start it again). Only then it will be possible to login to Admin Console. This bug should be fixed in 3.6.5 version.

by wroot at 05-Sep-2009 12:16


I only read the doc and missed this info. Sorry.