Bug in Wildfire 3.1.1 logging?

My company security policy dictates that IM’‘s be logged. As long as everyone in my company is using Spark, this is not a problem, because Wildfire does capture those IM’'s to log files.

HOWEVER, I just found out that if users switch to using GAIM, (for example), or another Jabber IM client, Wildfire no longer sees those IM’'s and will not log them.

Is this a bug? If not, will that problem be corrected in later versions?

Thank you,

Hey NA,

How are you logging traffic? If you are using the audit feature of Wildfire then the server will log all traffic no matter the client you are using. Moreover, you can configure many things like: max days to archive, max size of files, etc. You can configure the audit functionality from the admin console.


– Gato

Yes, I am using Wildfire server to log conversations, but it will only log one-sided conversations if one of the IM parties is using an external IM server. For example, say that an internal Spark user named, INTERNALIM, send an IM to an AOL IM user and EXTERNALAIM. All of the conversation that INTERNALIM sends is logged, but nothing returning or replied from EXTERNALAIM is logged.

That SAME thing is true if any internal IM users attach to the Wildfire Server with anything other than Spark. If they use GAIM to attach to my Wildfire server, the only conversations that are logged are the ones to Spark users, and then ONLY the same one sided aspects of the converstations. I never see the GAIM user conversation being logged.


Hey NA,

If you check in the error log files you will see some errors whlie queuing audit packet received from the gateway user. Updating to Wildfire 3.2.2 will fix this problem.


– Gato

This problem was fixed for Wildfire 3.2.1 as reported in the change log. JM-979

– Gato