BUG: POP3AuthProvider

A serious bug in POP3AuthProvider prevents authentification without specifieing a full jid as username.

Code starting at line 120:

if (username.contains("@")) {

// Check that the specified domain matches the server’s domain

int index = username.indexOf("@");

String domain = username.substring(index + 1);

if (domain.equals(XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getName())) {

username = username.substring(0, index);


} else {

// Unknown domain. Return authentication failed.

throw new UnauthorizedException();


This else clause is attended to the wrong if! Code should look like:

if (username.contains("@")) {

// Check that the specified domain matches the server’s domain

int index = username.indexOf("@");

String domain = username.substring(index + 1);

if (domain.equals(XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getName())) {

username = username.substring(0, index);

}else {

// Unknown domain. Return authentication failed.

throw new UnauthorizedException();



POP3AuthProvider should be configurable wether to use a random string or the pop password of the user when creating a user in openfire database.

Attached a diff extending this functionality, solving the bug described above and some usefull commentary on POP3UserProvider in documentation section.

uploading the attachement failed without error :confused: so i’m pasting the diff here:


*The POP3UserProvider will prevent changing email adresses of users. Else it will behave excatly

*like the DefaultUserProvider.


    •  <li>pop3.randomUserPassword -- if true a random String will be used as password when creating
  • a User, else the given password will be used. Default value is true.


private boolean randomUserPassword = true;


randomUserPassword = Boolean.valueOf(JiveGlobals.getXMLProperty(“pop3.randomUserPassword”));


Log.debug("\t randomUserPassword: " + randomUserPassword);


< }

< } else {

}else {


< throw new UnauthorizedException();

< }

throw new UnauthorizedException();}



< // Create user; use a random password for better safety in the future.

if (randomUserPassword){

// Create user; use a random password for better safety in the future.


< // provider is read-only, UserManager will usually deny access to createUser.

< UserManager.getUserProvider().createUser(username, StringUtils.randomString(8),

< null, email);

// provider is read-only, UserManager will usually deny access to createUser.

UserManager.getUserProvider().createUser(username, StringUtils.randomString(8),

null, email);



UserManager.getUserProvider().createUser(username, password, null, email);


Nobody out there interested in fixing bugs?