Bug? Unavailable presence from a Visitor shouldn't be broadcasted to other Visitors when the roles to broadcast are only Participant

If a room is configured to broadcast the presence of the Participants only, unavailable presence from a Visitor shouldn’t be broadcasted to other Visitors.

If you look at

http://www.igniterealtime.org/fisheye/browse/svn-org/openfire/trunk/src/java/org /jivesoftware/openfire/muc/spi/LocalMUCRoom.java?r=10084


private void broadcastPresence(Presence presence), line 926, or in canBroadcastPresence(), line 1990, which is called from the first method, we should also check if the user leaving the room was a visitor and if the users we’re gonna send the unavailable presence to are Visitors. Or am I completely wrong? Thanks, Phil

After more investigation, it appeared that the problem was in the leaveRoom() method in LocalMUCRoom.java (line 680).

http://www.igniterealtime.org/fisheye/browse/svn-org/openfire/trunk/src/java/org /jivesoftware/openfire/muc/spi/LocalMUCRoom.java?r=10084

The unavailable presence from a user was broadcasted even if this user had a role which was not a role we want to broadcast the presence.

This is what we did to fix the pb:

public void leaveRoom(MUCRole leaveRole) {

if (leaveRole.isLocal()) {

// Ask other cluster nodes to remove occupant from room

OccupantLeftEvent event = new OccupantLeftEvent(this, leaveRole);



try {

{color:#ff0000}String oldRole = leaveRole.getRole().name();

Presence presence = leaveRole.getPresence().createCopy();



// Change (or add) presence information about roles and affiliations

Element childElement = presence.getChildElement(“x”, “http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user”);

if (childElement == null) {

childElement = presence.addChildElement(“x”, “http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user”);


Element item = childElement.element(“item”);

if (item == null) {

item = childElement.addElement(“item”);


item.addAttribute(“role”, “none”);

// Inform the leaving user that he/she has left the room


            // if presence have to be broadcasted for every role

if (!hasToCheckRoleToBroadcastPresence()) {
// Inform the rest of the room occupants that the user has left the room
// else if the user had a role which is in the roles we want to broadcast presence
else if (getRolesToBroadcastPresence().contains(oldRole)) {
// Inform the rest of the room occupants that the user has left the room



catch (Exception e) {



// Remove occupant from room and destroy room if empty and not persistent

OccupantLeftEvent event = new OccupantLeftEvent(this, leaveRole);


