The current build.xml fails on a full build. It appears that there is a dependency on smack.jar that is not being correctly handled.
Here’'s a quick patch to fix the issue:
Index: C:/Program Files/Eclipse Data/workspace/asterisk-im/server/build/build.xml
— C:/Program Files/Eclipse Data/workspace/asterisk-im/server/build/build.xml (revision 3732)
+++ C:/Program Files/Eclipse Data/workspace/asterisk-im/server/build/build.xml (working copy)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
Is smack a dependency you added?
The client portion depends on smack, but the server side should only need whack which is already part of wildfire.
Yes - smack is the dependency. If I don’'t include smack.jar in the lib.path, I get the following error when running the build->jar target:
Compiling 26 source files to C:\Program Files\Eclipse Data\workspace\asterisk-im\server\target\classes
C:\Program Files\Eclipse Data\workspace\asterisk-im\server\src\java\org\jivesoftware\phone\asterisk\Aste package org.jivesoftware.smack does not exist
import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException;
C:\Program Files\Eclipse Data\workspace\asterisk-im\server\src\java\org\jivesoftware\phone\asterisk\Aste cannot find symbol
symbol : class XMPPException
location: class
public void sendPacket(Packet packet) throws XMPPException {
XMPPException is part of smack.jar, and the package name in the import inside would seem to inidicate that is the library that is needed in the dependencies… Is XMPPException in whack.jar also?
Maybe I’‘m missing something about how these dependencies? I definitely can’'t get a solid build without having smack.jar in the build library path…