Building skinned version of spark?

Hi everyone!

Have you guys tried building with the latest version of spark 2.6.0??..

I’ve already build mine with 2.5.8, my other concern was:

Is there a way of changing Help>“Spark Forum” link which redirects us to… can we customize this one into different url?..

Thanks so much in advance and more power!!

Thank you so much wolf! I’ll try this as soon as possible…!!!

What about “%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Spark” is that possible to change?? Can we change “Spark” folder to our customed name?

you will have to edit the source for that


look for:

private static String USER_SPARK_HOME

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Thank you so much Wolf_P!

I’ve seen the file! do I need to find and replace “SPARK” (case sensitive) with my custom application name?

Or simply that: private static String USER_SPARK_HOME into something like USER_MYCUSTOMNAME_HOME?

you dont seem to have any programming knowledge, so this will be rather hard for you, youll have to modify 3 parts of the source withing to modify the home directory of spark


private static String USER_SPARK_HOME; //<-------- Variable declaration


if (System.getenv(“APPDATA”) != null && !System.getenv(“APPDATA”).equals("")) {

USER_SPARK_HOME = System.getenv(“APPDATA”) + “/” + getUserConf();

} else {

USER_SPARK_HOME = System.getProperties().getProperty(“user.home”) + “/” + getUserConf();


this is where the Path is set



public static String getUserConf() {

if (isLinux()) {

return “.Spark”;


else if(isMac())


return “Library/Application Support/Spark”;



return “Spark”;


howaaa!! really don’t have any programming knowledge master Wolf_P… is this java or C++ programming? maybe an example file will be a big help for me…

another correct answer by master Wolf_P!!