Can openfire and fastpath web chat different server?

I had installed openfire and fastpath into one server. The web chat is working fine. But now I noticed that by opening the web chat (port 9090) to public will open the admin console to public as well.

So I setup another tomcat server at a seperate physical server and install the webchat.war. The setup was success and chat button will show if I access the tomcat server. But I have one problem. When visitor click the chat button and fill in the form , the page will redirect to queue.jsp. then we will received a prompt at the spark. We accept the request , then we will go into the chat dialog. At the chat dialog , I can see that the visitor has join the conversation, but at the visitor side , his page still showing the queue.jsp and never change to chat windows. If we keep waiting , after a while in my chat dialog box will show that the visitor had left the room and at the visitor side still in the queue.

I just would like to know is me configure wrongly or openfire and fastpath web chat can not be seperate ?

Sorry , forget to mention, both server also 64bit centos.

Thank you.