Candy plugin for using new Openfire fileupload plugin

Guus has generously provided a new Openfire plugin that implements XEP 0363 and shows off the flexibility of having the Jetty web server embedded in Openfire. If you want to perform file upload/download from the Candy Chat web application and other Strophe based web applications, then take a look at this Candy Chat plugin.

You can either drag and drop the files into the conversation window directly or click on the paperclip icon in the toolbar to select files. It then does the following:

  • Requests for an upload/download pair of URLs (called a slot) from the Openfire httpfileupload plugin
  • Does an HTTP PUT request to upload the file using the given slot
  • Pastes the slot’s GET url into the room conversation and converts it into a clickable link on receipt.

The candy upload plugin is now available in Pàdé 0.1.15.


You can also upload/download from a video-conference using Jitsi Meet in Pàdé. Only drag and drop is supported for uploading. Drag the file and drop anywhere on the conversation panel to upload the file. When the load is uploaded, a clickable link appears in the conversation.

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No install instructions?

Unfortunately, there is none. It is built into the Pade client. There is link to the source code for those who know how to configure candy plugins with JavaScript.

The only documentation is this link to the official candy `documentation about plugins

That Helps a little… thank you.

How can I find this plugin for candy-js 2.2