Cannot login to admin-console after upgrade


I’'d have a jive messenger 2.2.1 after upgrade for 2.3.1 i cannot login to admin-console.

Its ldap based setup and the clients can login with their usernames e pass from ldap base.

When i try to logon to admin-console with the admin account named “Gerente” i get the follow messege in logs:

warn.log:2005.12.05 11:10:31 Invalid username found in authorizedUsernames at jive-messenger.xml: Gerente


warn.log:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal JID: Gerente@lserver02

I tried to debug but i dont know java and programming.

Thanks for any help;


I think the “@” in your admin username may be causing the problem. When logging into the admin console with ldap, you don’'t need to specify the server name. Try changing the authorizedUsernames to just the name, such as: