Cannot make server to server connection-help

It wasn’t merged, just some idiot posting his requests to the first topic on the list… I have moved his message to his own thread and that’s why you see this system message above.

ok, got it, thanks!

Tonyg: What SSL certs are you using? I did find that you must load them in a certain way to get S2S to work correctly. Load your domain cert and intermediate certs into the keystore at the same time. paste the main cert then intermediate next. Then in the Truststore add the ca-bundle for the cert. This will allow the S2S to work. I also found java 8 works fine. Java 11 didn’t work.

But now push notifications for IOS don’t work. I have worked with the dev from Monal and it seems it is the plugin, so likely just a bug. I am going to see if anyone else has it working.

IOscanner, I will try adding the cert in the way you suggest and let you know

all, this thread was getting long and had gone down many paths, i thought it might be better to start fresh. i am still having the issue. please refer to this new post with new information

any help is appreciated