Can''t find index.jsp in Linux Fedora installation

When I try to access the admin console for my Linux Fedora installation of jive messenger, I double click on index.html in the opt/jive_messenger/plugins/admin/webapp/ folder, and then it gives me this error:

“The file /opt/jive_messenger/plugins/admin/webapp/index.jsp cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.”

I did a search for index.jsp and nothing came up either… please help?

Hey smookyfufu,

Instead of doing a double click on that file try entering this address in your browser: http://localhost:9090. Before entering that address make sure that the server is running.


– Gato

It says the connection was refused. But I think i’'m getting somewhere.

Hey smookyfufu,

From the error that you are getting I would say that no process is listening on port 9090. Make sure that the server is running and if you changed the port 9090 then you should change it in the example I gave you. Use netstat to obtain information about processes and ports and make sure that port 9090 is being used by JM.

Hope that helps,

– Gato

I did netstat and port 9090 isn’'t being used… do I have to install something else besides the rpm I downloaded?

I’‘m really sorry, i’'m new to linux and a complete idiot.

Hey smookyfufu,

Read the following document to learn how to install and run the server: uide.html. Make sure that you are following the steps detailed in the “Running under Unix/Linux” section. Once the server is running you should see a process listening on port 9090. Note: use the root user.


– Gato


What version of Fedora are you running?

Have you started the Jive server? You do this by typing the following command at your console prompt: /opt/jive_messenger/bin/messenger start

You might also want to install the messenger service into your bootup init, again the guys at jivesoftware have provided a script for it, you can install this by typing: /opt/jive_messenger/bin/extra/

then just reboot.

Good luck