Can't log in to admin console after upgrade and changing xmpp domain

I upgraded to 3.9.1, no apparent problems.

XMPP domain was “srv-chat” which is the name of the server. I changed it to so all the users now show up as

Users logging in, all is great.

All was working great until I tried to log in to the admin console. I can’t log in.

Using LDAP authentication with Windows AD. users are logging in fine, I just can’t log in to the admin console.

I have attempted to change the admin.authorizedJIDs in MySQL database to read from “username@srv-chat” to "" or just “username” and nothing seems to work.

Any ideas?

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Same issue here but not related to the upgrade. Just after changing name.

User can login normally to Spark clients but unable to login to Admin Consol !

Edit the database entry Jive-properties/authorized-jids - it should be admin@srv-chat. Also the rosters are all wrong - you need to update them. If you are using the embedded db stop openfire and edit the scripts in datanase/ manually – otherwise use sql and restart Openfire.

Actually, found another thread with similar issue.

Stop Openfire services.

Open openfire.xml and edit true to say false.

Start services.

Go to admin page and you will have to go through the setup again.

Put in the correct domain this time.

This will fix all the rosters as well.

Ta-da. All better.

Yes, I tried that but had no success. I don’t know why my setup was different but I still could not login after correcting the “authorized-jids”. I reset the setup flag in openfire.xml and ran through the setup, correcting the domain name. It’s all good now.