Just installed Jive Messenger 1.1 on windows 2003 server. No problem. Logged in, created users etc without issue. Modified jive-messenger.xml for LDAP according to instructions. Can’‘t log in. Geting error in Exodous about bad user/password. Can’'t log in to admin console either. I am connecting to MS windows AD. Passwords are complex (upper/lower/numbers/special characters).
Any thoughts?
Hi stipman,
When you switched to using LDAP, Messenger started looking for authentication information only in LDAP, so the users you created in the database before switching to LDAP are not checked.
Additionally, the admin account is being looked for in the LDAP directory.
I would suggest reverting to using the database mode for the time being. It seems that the LDAP setup process is not working correctly. We’'ll be looking into that soon, but our main focus is getting the source released out into the open.
You can revert to the database mode by stopping the Messenger server, editing jive_config.xml to change true to false and starting the server again. You will be walked through the setup process again and can choose the database backend.