Can't run the latest source after building in Eclipse (SLF4J)

Yesterday and today there was a ton of changes to the code, so i have synced the repository and built it (everything’s fine), but when i try to run it via bat file it throws an exception.


When running the latest nightly build (1857 - Windows) i get this:


Though the server is starting fine and i can login.

Probable cause Replace deprecated org.jivesoftware.util.Log with org.slf4j.Logger · igniterealtime/Openfire@f81c28b · GitHub

wroot, thanks for testing my stuff :wink:

I can reproduce the issue and I think the startup.jar, which is being launched misses slf4j-api.jar in the classpath.

Even more troublesome, this jar is compiled into a new openfire.jar, together with every other jar in the lib/merge folder.

Unfortunately, the lib folder is really a mess, some jars are merged, some are not, some jars are loaded via the JiveClassLoader…

I will look into it, at worst, we have to revert this change.

I thought i knew it was you who is the sco0ter on Github

Btw, did you see my comment on the systray icon commit?

Hm, I also do have problems, but it looks as if it is only related to plugins.

Ok, seems really to be a problem with the Merge pull request #342 from wmz7year/PluginClassLoader · igniterealtime/Openfire@7a7db14 · GitHub

What is your jvm version? I’m test success for plugin clientControl.