Centrally Manage "Accept All Certificates" checkbox for 2.8.2

This was what I suspected.

I need that for a client connection to a a openfire server with a certificate from an own CA.
My solution was now to import the certififate into global java keystore of the systeme:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_121\bin>keytool.exe -import -alias example.com -keystore …\lib\security\cacerts -file …\lib\security\example.com.cer

Certificate will then be trusted from the client.

Hope this will help someone.

Do you plan to implement this possibility?

If someone provides a patch, i can apply it. I have already too much on my plate to do it myself.

I wrote a script to drop in the line:


to an existing spark.properties file before upgrading from 2.8.1 to 2.8.3. But when I run Spark after the update, even though I can see the AcceptAllCertificates=true line in my spark.properties file, I’m still getting an error when I try to connect to my Openfire server. If I go to Advanced, Accept All Certificates is not checked. Is there something I have to do after adding that line to the spark.properties file to get spark to actually see it? I have no idea what is going wrong here.

I can’t reproduce it manually. Works fine for me by adding that line and then upgrading to 2.8.3. So, maybe your script is adding something that Spark doesn’t like (not visible) and then wipes that line. Try adding it by hand and test.

Yes, thank you, wroot, that was it! My script unintentionally added a space to the end of the line and Spark did not like that. Thank you for your help!