Change the user that OpenFire runs as


I have recently installed OpenFire on my MacBook using the OS X distribution, which kindly also installed a preference pane, allowing me to boot OpenFire on startup. It seems that when OpenFire installed, it created the user ‘openfire’ and when the system boots it runs OpenFire under this user.

However, I am trying to do some interaction with the server through JRuby, and keep hitting errors where I don’t have permission to carry what I am trying to do because I am not running as the ‘openfire’ user. If I run the code as root (using sudo) then the code works, but for some reason changes the permissions on the openfire.xml config file causing it to go back to the setup wizard when I launch the admin console, and also bork a 500 error when trying to save the preferences.

So, ultimately, my question is - Is it possible to change the user that the OpenFire server runs as ? If so, how can this be achieved ?



I’ve managed to solve this myself.

It turns out OpenFire uses LaunchDaemons on OS X to launch itself on boot, and as such has a plist file, which upon inspection contained the user it was to be run as, so I changed this to my username, chown’ed all the OpenFire folders and their contents, and now we are good to go.

