Change username?

is there any way to change someone’‘s username via smack? reading through the docs and working through jive’‘s admin console, it doesn’'t appear possible, but i just wanted to verify. not sure why this would be…seems to me that changing a string field tied to unique ID numbers is pretty standard.

assuming this is not possible, if a user wanted to change their username, is the only other option to delete the old user and create a new one?

any thoughts are appreciated.

Hey Dan,

Hmmm, good question. I just read the XMPP spec and it seems that it’'s not possible. See url= In-Band Registration[/url].

Using Smack you can always send a Registration packet with all the info that you want but it’'s up to the server to decide how to handle your registration request. AFAIK, a server will only update your password and maybe some other information but you cannot update your username.


– Gato