Changing database connection string within openfire.xml

Is there any way to change the database connection string without going into the web console? I tried to follow Openfire: Custom Database Integration Guide but unsure on how to setup the xml with an existing database and connection provider tag.

Attempted the following:

  1. Stop Openfire service. Added the following tags within openfire.xml then started the service
    <connectionString>jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<IP Address>/Openfire?user=username;password=secret</connectionString> 
  1. Modified the existing connectionProvider and database tags with the following:
      <serverURL>jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<IP Address>/Openfire?user=username;password=secret</serverURL>  
      <testSQL>select 1</testSQL>  

You were close, but needed to include two tags for the username and password. Look at this MySQL-based example:

      <testSQL>select 1</testSQL>