Chatroom logs

does anybody know where whey are?

i want to read it.

and, may be, give it somebody else.

Or i must have a bot, to log all chats? by the way, can you tell me about best cot, who will work good with jive?

I’‘m a bit behind in posting the chat logs, but I will get that done today. I’'m not sure what chat log bots work well with Jive Messenger.



i think he wasnt talking about Group Chat, but yes, you should post them

fresh, if you have turned on Auditing of message packets you should try to check /jive_messenger/logs directory for logs. But these logs are not really readable. So you need some kind of parser to make them look nice. Try to read this thread, there is a tool for log parsing:


like all of you, i hope what this bot will bring a lot of joy to each one of us

Hey wroot,

The log of the MUC rooms is not logged in the same files that we use for auditing. The MUC log is stored in the database. Check out the mucConversationLog table.


– Gato

ok, so i shouldnt post if i’‘m not sure Well, maybe this thread about conversation logging would be helpful at least. I think i remember Jason was implementing parsing of group chat’'s logs.