Clearspace 2.5

  1. I noticed that I didn’t not get any email notifications today, even though having this enabled for this for all threads I create or answer to.

The reply window in safari has no style sheet but the new discussion is ok.

One option you have is to click the HTML button i the RTE – that will let you you power users enter HTML directly vs. using the RTE.

we had that before. What is missing is the ability to use the markup for things like [code] in line while typing. This was way easier than having to mouse around. I do not know about others but when I type I do not want to have to stop to click buttons to get the text the way I want if I know the markup. Wrining in html would be a PIA. Some of the changes area step backward. Custom views now have widgets but we lost the ability to choose specific communities to show. The WSYIWYG has some new features and supports more browsers be we lost known markup codes.

You cannot re-sort people searches. For example search for win, then try to sort by username, it will fail to do the re-sort.

Thanks, but HTML input is not that helpful, especially because the code is modified somehow. If I paste some source code inside a

enviroment (see my post here) it does insert multiple for some reason. Also I’m missing a preview function.
  1. Which HTML elements are getting modified? We have to strip a few out for security but perhaps you’re running into a bug. I checked out the thread you linked to but am not totally clear about the bad behavior you’re running into.

  2. Preview on HTML is a good idea – we’ll consider that.

  3. We just turned on Javascript combining in Clearspace which should speed page loads and content editing.

jadestorm wrote:

Rich text editor is here to stay

That’s ok if that editor won’t stay on my way to communicate with people. I switched to text editor in previous versions because of a few issues in rich text editor (i remember i wasnt able to go to new line after quoting some text).

And i want my Firefox spellchecker back. This one is not working at all for me.

I remember once after clearspace upgrade showing of Names was turned on, then Dawn has changed this to usernames. So maybe this can be done in that version too. This community is old enough and is world spread, so it’s often easier to remember nicknames, than names. I have guessed Coolcat only by familiar usericon.

Btw, People view is now bloated (at least in default view). There are not many users putting their pictures in profiles. So now it shows a lot of blank space.

I did get all the ~20 replies in that thread

I like the way of customizing my View. But it lucks some points.

It’s really a must have to be able to set one widget for multiple areas. I dont want 8 of them for every community i watch. Same with tag watch.

How can i make Recent Content watch to show the last replied person as i t was in previous version?

after i reply in a discussion, page refreshes to a first message in the thread.

Todd, regarding the reply style sheet, did you try a shift reload to see if an old style sheet was cached? I can’t reproduce it. Is it only on discussions or something else?

wroot, what browser are you using? Every time I reply it takes me to the very end of the list.

wroot, I agree about the spell checker and am reporting this back.

I’m reporting the people view “bloating”, but I honestly don’t expect that to be changed. I -can- as the template handler make that vanish. However I’m thinking about leaning towards encouraging folk to upload pictures. Not sure about that yet.

I’m also researching if there’s a way to -force- usernames instead of full names. Right now it’s totally up to the settings of the end users.

You probably want ‘recent activity’ rather than recent content.

I agree about the usefulness for one widget to watch multiple spaces or tags. My new setup is three recent activity widgets on the left (xiff, sparkweb, sparkweb support), and status updates and a tag watch for ‘bug’ on the right.

@Matt Tucker:

  1. Which HTML elements are getting modified? We have to strip a few out for security but perhaps you’re running into a bug. I checked out the thread you linked to but am not totally clear about the bad behavior you’re running into.

Sorry, there seems to be a bug in the rich text editor, which removes a “& n b s p ;” (without “” and without spaces) For some reason the HTML editor does place some “& n b s p ;” inside my source code. Just see the liked code. Thats just a

-Tag and copy&paste of some Java source code.

Howdy Coolcat, I’m reporting that nbsp issue back to the developers. Also I may not respond to every single post here but I -am- writing everything down and passing it on. I apologize if I don’t response indivdually to everything. =)

I cant quote Daniel’s messages in that editor…

Firefox 3.0.1

The same with email notifications, though addressbar shows correct url of the message the link is still taking me to a first page of the thread.

David, yeah, Recent activity is better, though i feel i still miss something. Maybe there was messages count in discussion or something like that. Oh, there were usericons near every new content/activity.

I can’t quote either. Apparently that bug “popped up out of nowhere” and is known and is being fixed. Weird! =/

I’m not sure what you mean by “the same with email notifications”, and I still can’t seem to reproduce a reply taking you back to the first page. I’m also on Firefox 3.0.1. Anyone else seeing this?