Client losses connection


We have set up a openfire chat environment with clustering of two machines along with a AWS Load-balance.

When logging in to the server through the load-balancer, the client (Profanity, Empathy, Pidgin etc.) looses connection from the server exactly after 1 min.

But when connect to individual servers the connection remains intact for the client.

We have been working around this for a long time. Please help us find a solution. Pls guide us through and tell us if u need any log from the server.

I have included the client (profanity) log’s as it gets logged off.

19:55:34 - sandeep.kavalan@ logged in successfully, online (
priority 0).
19:56:33 - Lost connection.
19:56:45 - Connecting with account sandeep.kavalan@ as sande
19:56:50 - Login failed.
19:57:00 - Connecting with account sandeep.kavalan@ as sande
19:57:18 - sandeep.kavalan@ logged in successfully, online (
priority 0).
19:58:18 - Lost connection.
19:58:36 - Connecting with account sandeep.kavalan@ as sande
19:58:39 - sandeep.kavalan@ logged in successfully, online (
priority 0).
19:59:39 - Lost connection.
20:00:14 - Connecting with account sandeep.kavalan@ as sandeep.kavalan@/profanity
20:00:17 - sandeep.kavalan@ logged in successfully, online (priority 0).
20:01:16 - Lost connection.

Does this also happen when the client is active?

Try to get a tcpdump on the client side. I assume the load balancer sends a RST and the XMPP connection is not closed properly.