Clustering Allows user to make a connection with different node

Hi Dev team,

I recently upgraded openfire server to version 4.5.1 with clustering and found different behavior then older versions.

I can login with the same username in both the node (Screen shot added below) in one of the node it is showing detached state and in another node it is showing me connected/authenticated but after sometime i am getting conflict error.


Once i deactivated the stream management from the server side it is working well.

I have checked with the old version(4.1.3) of openfire and clustering plugin but it was not happening even i enabled the stream management from both side.

I have used following versions to replicate this scene.

Openfire 4.5.1
Hazelcast 2.5.0

Any suggestion to tackle this problem with the latest version?

Hiren vavadiya

I believe you’ve uncovered a bug here. I’m not exactly sure yet what the expected behavior is, but the current behavior is problematic.

I’ve created a JIRA issue for this:

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