Code for close user session


can someone help me with some coding. i want to create a script to close client user session, to disconnection them. can u tell me on how to do it? and can i alter the jiveUser table? please sir, help me…

thanks in advance…

Hi mohd_izzuan,

i want to create a script to close client user session, to disconnection them.

Currently, you can close client connections (in Wildfire) by logging into the Admin Console and navigating to Sessions → Active Sessions → Client Sessions. Does that not work for you?

can i alter the jiveUser table?

You can but it isn’'t really recommended since it could cause problems when updating to newer versions of Wildifre. Why did you want to alter the table?




would a perl script be okay which does use a socket to connect to the web admin console and then disconnects a user? So you could start it from the command line.