Connecting to Workgroup Queue


The webchat client provides a way to connect to a workgroup by connecting to server and loggin in anonymously. Is ther a way to connect to a particular queue of a workgroup? I would like to route my request to a user in a particular queue of a workgroup. Please let me know how this is possible.



That is done by adding queues and question that when answered go to certain queues.


Could you please explain me in more detail. I have used

chatSession.joinQueue(“test@workgroup.snipl-001”, metadata); to connect to a particular workgroup. It would be great if you can provide me a snippet of code that can be used to connect to a particular workgroup queue.



I am not sure of the code. It is all configurable via the Openfire admin webpage. You need to add a routing question via the Form UI, then set routing rule via the Manage Queues.

Thank you!!