Connection Managers

Hey all,

We are soon going to be rolling out BOSH support, and we don’t know how much load it will generate. I am thinking of using a connection manager, but I was under the impression that it has some fatal out-of-order message flaws:

Does anyone know if these issues were ever resolved in the connection manager module?

Looked through the connection manager code and did some testing, this is still broken. The problem is that packets received by the connection manager from openfire are parsed in multiple threads but order per session isn’t guaranteed. I’m doing some work to resolve this, but only in the most simple case where you have a single connection from the connection manager to the server.

While I’m at it, I’m going to port the BOSH 1.6 support from Openfire to the connection manager module. I’ll post a diff in here with the results once it is completed/tested!